Activity/Participation Fee » Activity/Participation Fee

Activity/Participation Fee


Pay to Participate Fees

* Athletics * Clubs * Co- and Extracurricular Activities

A Pay to Participate fee will be in effect for athletics, clubs, extracurricular/co-curricular, and intramural activities. The following are the guidelines:

 A fee will be charged for each athletic, club, extracurricular/co-curricular and activity up to the family cap.

  • A $25 fee per student per non-athletic clubs and activities will be charged with a cap of $75 per family.
  • A $50 fee per student per athletic activity will be charged with a cap of $150 per family.
  • The above fees are in addition to the physical and any additional activity fees.
  • Pay to Participate fees should be paid by check or money order payable to K.S.D. Payment should be submitted, with the registration form below, to the athletics office.
  • Participants in the National School Lunch Program who have been awarded financial support will be exempt from these fees upon verification.  Families experiencing financial hardship may apply for an activity fee waiver.  Applications may be obtained online or by contacting the athletic office.
  • Participation fees are due one week prior to the first contest/game/activity/performance, with the exception of physical fees, which are due at the time of services rendered. Failure to pay will result in exclusion.
  • NO refunds will be given for a student who is injured after mandatory practices begin, becomes academically ineligible, is removed for disciplinary reasons, or for students who quit the sport/activity after the fee has been paid.
  • Payments DO NOT guarantee playing time.
The Pay-to-Participate Fee follows KSD Policy 122.2