Knoch Successful at Academic Games

Knoch High School recently competed in another round of the Midwestern IU's Academic Games at SRU.  Our students had some great outcomes:
Freshman Maggie Powell and Sophomore Carter Worsley were undefeated in their division for Current Events.
Sophomore David Breese placed second in his division for the History of Rock and Roll.
Junior Riona Clifton and Senior Ava Santora were undefeated in their division for History of Rock and Roll.
Team of Juniors: Riona Clifton, Abby Gilmore. Samantha Goldscheitter, Sophia Greene, and Neva Radovich placed FIRST overall in their division for History of Rock and Roll.
All of these students qualified for the States Tri-Bowl at the end of the month.
Since this is Abby Gilmore's second win, she qualifies for Nationals in Atlanta in April.
pic of 3 students holding certificates
2 students holding certificates